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Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the relationship between premarital reproductive counselling and husband support with increased coverage of pure K1 pregnancy visits at Puskesmas Ajangale in 2022.

Research Design and Methodology: This study used a correlation study design with a retrospective cohort approach. Secondary data were taken from medical records and observation results, while primary data were obtained through questionnaires. The study population included first trimester pregnant women who had first contact with health workers at Ajangale Health Centre, and the sampling technique was total sampling.

Findings and Discussion: The results of the analysis showed that premarital reproductive counselling and husband support had a significant correlation with increased coverage of pure K1 visits. Of the respondents who participated in premarital counselling, the majority made a pure K1 visit. Similarly, respondents who received good support from their husbands tended to be more compliant in conducting pure K1 visits. The P=0.002 value indicates a significant association between these variables.

Implication: This study confirms the importance of integrating premarital reproductive counselling programmes in public health policies to increase the coverage of antenatal care visits. Husband support also needs to be improved through education and active involvement in antenatal care. The findings provide valuable insights for health practitioners and policy makers in an effort to improve maternal and child health.


Premarital Counselling Husband Support Antenatal Visit K1 Pure

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