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Purpose: This study examines the effect of work productivity on employee performance at PT Paguntaka Cahaya Nusantara Papua and West Papua Branch.

Research Design and Methodology: Data was collected using a cross-sectional research design through a survey involving employees from various departments. Regression analysis evaluated the relationship between work productivity and employee performance.

Findings and Discussion: The results showed a positive and significant relationship between work productivity and employee performance, with a regression coefficient of 0.62 and a p-value of 0.0001. This finding supports theories that link work productivity with performance improvement and confirms the importance of productivity factors in achieving optimal organizational performance.

Implications: This study makes a significant contribution to scientific and managerial practice by providing empirical evidence and recommendations for managers to develop policies that encourage work productivity. However, its limitations include its cross-sectional design and limited generalizability. Future research should use a longitudinal design and expand the sample to various industries to gain more insight into the relationship between work productivity and employee performance.


Work Discipline Employee Performance Work Productivity Construction Industry Human Resource Management

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How to Cite
Tasya, C. Y., Akbar, M. A., & Lina, R. (2024). Work Discipline on Employee Performance Through Work Productivity. Advances in Human Resource Management Research, 2(3), 166–178.


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