Journal Description

Founded in 2023, Advances in Managerial Auditing Research publishes original research that promises to advance our understanding of auditing over diverse topics and research methods. This journal welcomes significant research across various primary and applied research methods, including analytical, archival, experimental, survey, and case study. The journal encourages articles of current interest to accounting scholars with high practical relevance for organizations or the larger society. We encourage our researchers to look for new solutions to or new ways of thinking about practices and problems and invite well-founded critical perspectives. We provide a forum for communicating impactful research between professionals and academics in auditing research and practice, discussing and proposing solutions, and impacting the field. contributes to improving the practice and theory of auditing and encompasses internal and external auditing and other attestation activities (phenomena). Papers report results of original research that embody improvements in auditing theory or methodology, discussion, and analysis of current issues that bear on prospects for developments in auditing practice and auditing research, as well as practices and developments in auditing in different countries. In addition to communicating the results of original auditing research, the International Journal of Auditing also aims to advance knowledge in auditing by publishing critiques, thought leadership papers, and literature reviews on specific aspects of auditing. The journal seeks to publish articles with international appeal either due to the topic transcending national frontiers or the clear potential for readers to apply the results or ideas in their local environments.

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): June - September

Published: July 21, 2024

Examining Audit Fee Determinants and Their Impact on Audit Quality

119 - 129 Wahyuni Wahyuni, Lindah Nurul Rila Sueny, Aisyah Salma Wahyu, Nurhalisa Nur Fadewa

The Influence of Fraud Hexagon on Financial Statement Fraud

130 - 143 Rahmawati Rahmawati, Darwis Lannai, Musliha Shaleh

The Effect of Professional Skepticism on Fraud Detection with Auditor Training as a Moderating Variable

144 - 156 Hermini Nur Husnah, Ratna Sari, Mapparenta Mapparenta

Slack Resources, Audit Committee, Board Feminism on the Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure of Mining Industry Companies

157 - 170 Faradila Mince Rumkabu, Mutmainnah Mutmainnah, Muhammad Ridhwansyah Pasolo

The Effect of Accountability, Competence, and Independence on Audit Quality

171 - 184 Syarifah Dahlia Assegaff
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