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Purpose: The study aimed to improve the efficiency of financial recording and transaction management in a laundry service business. For this reason, business owners need an SI APIK accounting application that is easy to use and can provide accurate information about business finances.

Research Design and Methodology:  The research method used is qualitative, with data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The types of data used in this research are primary and secondary data. Then, in this study, researchers used source triangulation as a reference to get more accurate data truth.

Findings and Discussion: The results showed that the SI APIK application can provide automatic financial reports, including balance sheets, cash flow, and profit and loss. However, the SI APIK application still has a weakness: If the customer orders more than one transaction, the user must input customer data one by one every time the transaction is deemed inefficient.

Implications: This projection is expected to help SMEs like Arafah Laundry utilize technology to optimize financial records, improve business performance, and compete better in the laundry service industry. Future researchers can apply the SI APIK application to other sectors such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture, animal husbandry, capture fisheries, aquaculture, and individuals.


Website-based Accounting Accounting Information System Laundry Services SI APIK Application

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How to Cite
Mustari, F., Sutisman, E., & Kartim, K. (2024). Projected Implementation of a Website-Based Laundry Services Accounting Information System Using the APIK SI Application. Advances in Applied Accounting Research, 2(3), 137–156.


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